Friday, February 13, 2009

In Honor of Valentine's Day!

(I stole this idea from Renee)


(in no particular order, and not completed)


The smell of rain on a summer's day.

6 Oreo's and an ice cold glass of milk.

Isabelle dancing.

Jillian's mischievousness.

Savannah's Smile.

Payton's tender heart.

My husband's attention.

The sun...use to be a sun-worshiper until I moved to Washington. Now I just use the fake one.

Long, hot showers.


Weeping Willow trees.

Sappy, cheesy, Hallmark Channel movies.

Going to church dances.

Spending time with my amazing girlfriends.

New clothes.

Having a clean house. (not to be confused with 'cleaning the house')

People watching.

Listening to other people.

Having my back tickled.

My husband's humor, his smile, the way he takes care of me and our family.

Sleeping in after staying up way too late.


My own homemade chocolate chip cookies (that's not prideful, is it?)

Dancing around with the kids...but especially the two little ones while Payton and Savannah are at school.

The colors of spring and fall.

MUSIC...I love making it and listening to it.

My family...and that includes them all!! Even the dorky ones...just kidding.

Playing the games that I used to play and singing the songs that I used to sing when I was little, with my kids.

The moon, when it's at a cresent, and when it is full.

The stars.



Rene said...

I love it! I'm glad you stole it! That was fun to read.

Stacie said...

I enjoyed your list. Guess What? I love weeping willow trees too :)

The Shelton's said...

You are so sweet and I love . . . YOU!!

Unknown said...

Oh! I hope he feels better! It could be 5ths disease? Not harmful but really contagious before any symptoms pop out. Anyway, we'll have to plan for it again. KAY!

Anonymous said...

Man...that Douglas character is pretty lucky!