Saturday, January 17, 2009

Jillian coined a new phrase last night during our night of bowling. She was very proud of her mad skills. She somehow managed to bowl a 118!!! (With some help from Mom and Dad of course...two strikes from Mom).
Since Doug hasn't been able to spend much time with the kids lately, we decided to do the family thing last night instead of a date. Oh, the sacrifices we make as parents.
We thought..."Let's go bowling!" Then after about 2 frames we thought..."Why did we choose to do this?"
We ended up just going to Chehalis Bowl. Anybody that has been there knows that it's a little I opted for the black and white pictures!
Jillian was very enthusiastic whatever happened. She usually didn't even bother to see how many pins she knocked down. She was just happy to throw the ball.
True Jillian form...happy one minute...grumpy the next

Savannah had a great time. She mostly wanted to do it on her own. Which caused a few problems. We had to have someone retrieve a few stranded balls and the scoring thing wasn't reading the pins sometimes because the ball had gone so incredibly slow that it didn't sense that anything had happened.

Jillian enjoyed feeling the air blowing her hair.

Payton took this game very seriously! He tried his hardest to knock those pins down. He would get pretty upset when he didn't do do you teach a kid that you don't have to win at everything to have a good time? I think he has already come up with a new strategy for next time.

Good frame buddy! Thank goodness for those bumpers!

I think that Isabelle had the best time out of everyone. She loved it!! She did want to be the one bowling the entire time which made it a little difficult for everyone else.

She proved to be a strong little thing. She kept grabbing the bowling balls off the ramp thingy and carrying them around...and then dropping them on the floor. I think my kids made the lady that works there a little nervous.

In the end it took us more than an hour and a half to bowl one game. We were so ready to get out of there. Despite the whining, crying, pouting and just plan orneriness...I think we had a good time. I just don't think we will be doing the whole bowling thing for a while.


Stacie said...

That's awesome that you guys got to go do that and have fun as a family. BTW, what exactly is a date night? I can't even imagine getting to have one of those.

Susie Q said...

Glad you were able to spend some family time. Bowling never turned out so good for us as a family. Actually most events the kids whine and complain about.

Kate said...

You're so brave! Don't you remember the whole Burger King playland thing?? No heavy objects to drop!