Tuesday, December 9, 2008


On Sunday we had our missionary/cottage meeting at our house. Of course there were goodies to share afterwards. Bishop and Jill had brought OREO's, which I love. But, I have to eat them a certain way. (6, with a glass of milk for dipping.) Anyway, because I wanted to save them for later, I took my stash, put them in a Ziploc bag and hid them on the kitchen counter. The next morning I came into the family room where dear, sweet Jillian was. I looked at the coffee table, and low and behold there were all 6 of my Oreo's laying out, with the cream missing. SHE STOLE MY COOKIES! Not a big deal, I know. I let her know that she shouldn't take things that are not hers and to ask next time. FAST FORWARD to today. We were at the checkout at WalMart. Now everyone knows how they pack those sections full of candy and cheap, noisy toys that make the kids go crazy and make the checkout process even longer because you have to deal with your kids whining and crying about all the amazing things they are seeing that they just absolutely have to have and the tactic is that the big-wigs at the WalMart headquarters in Nebraska or somewhere are hoping that you will spend more money on all that stuff just to keep your kids from losing it and making a huge scene...whew, OK!!
Jillian really wanted one of those pretty princess cell phones. She asked over and over and over again for one. And I, being the loving, patient mother just kept telling her "no." She gave up after a little while...so I thought. I was busy loading my things on to the belt thingy and I happen to glance over at Jilli. I noticed that she had something in her shirt. Oh, yeah, It was the pretty princess phone!! She was trying to steal it!! Am I raising a klepto or what? First my OREO's, now the silly cell phone... I know what you are thinking, "she doesn't understand" But does she? Why would she think to HIDE it in her shirt?


Susie Q said...

Oh Jillian... can you see if she can get me some DVDs for Christmas?

Ron & Jill said...

Shame on you Susie Q. I must confess I had the same thoughts myself. Clarrisa make sure Jillian wears an extra big sweater next time you take her shopping, I could use a new microwave.

Unknown said...

Lol....McKade was trying to steal one of those cheap plastic disney camaras they keep right next to the phones. I kept telling him no and to put it back. After a little bit he finally got in line with me with this look on his face. I said "McKade, Did you put that phone in your pocket?" He guiltily told me "No" and I checked and there it was. We had to have a nice long chat about stealing. Jillian...don't worry sweetie...you're not alone!

Rene said...

How funny! That girl's got spunk! She's gonna keep you on your toes!

The Shelton's said...


Auntie Traci would like a new purse, maybe some new movies oh, and could you sneak me out some Dr. Pepper when you get the chance? Thanks sweetie, you're the best.
