Friday, December 26, 2008

T'was the morning of Christmas,
and all through this place
A smile was planted on everyone's face.
Payton was the first to arise with delight
Not to peak at the presents
Took all of his might.
He waited with patience
For his sisters to arise
Finally, presents...but first a surprise.
We tip-toed as quickly
As we were able
One present we found right there on the table.
"FOR JESUS" it said
As the kids looked with glee
What on earth could this possible be?
Then they remembered
FHE Monday night
Could it be what we said...oh, it just might.
They unwrapped the box
With sweet, tender love
And realized it WAS from them to above.
The gifts we would give
To the Savior this year
Placed in this box to draw us more near.
Dad would give prayer
More patience from mother
Payton would do service projects for others.
For those who were hurt
Savannah'd be there
Jilli would be nice and just try to play fair
From Isabelle she
Would continue to love
From all of us more reverence when we pray to above.
The last gift from all
Was to love on another
Like Jesus loves us and our sisters and brothers.
When we were all finished
So much more there could be
The things we could do for our Savior to see.
The rest of the morning
Just like normal was spent
With presents, and candy and holiday scent.
But for just a few moments
Before the presents for each
The meaning of Christmas, our hearts it did reach.
For us, Christ was born
And he lived and he died.
But he lives now for us to return to his side.

Clarissa Gifford


Heidi said...

I'm glad your cool idea turned out so well... I love the little poem. :0)

I hope you guys had an awesome Christmas!!

I'll call you when we get home...

Rene said...

Clarissa! I love it! That was a great poem and an even greater idea...I'm sure your children will remember it forever!

The Shelton's said...

You are so talented!! I loved your poem and the idea. I may even steal it and change the words a bit to fit my kids. You're the best and I love ya.

neecy said...

You're poetry skills are amazing! Mind if I borrow the FHE idea for next year?

Clarissa said...

You guys are all so sweet. Thanks! OF COURSE you are all more than welcome to use the idea if you would like!! My kids really loved the whole thing! And I am sure yours will too.