Monday, December 15, 2008

Finally...a Christmas Tree!
After Payton's wrestling thing on Saturday, we finally got a tree. We found a fabulous tree farm just off of Jackson Highway. The couple that run it are super nice and very helpful. They provided us with umbrellas and took the liberty of using their chainsaw to chop it down. They even carried it to our truck and loaded it for us. And the tree was only $10!!! Isabelle had fallen asleep in the truck so she missed out on all the excitement and the picture.
It has taken way too long to set up for the Christmas season this year. I usually set up decorations and the tree and the very beginning of December. But, at least we got one. The lights are on it and it is awaiting the ornaments.

I captured some cute moments on the way back to the truck. Jillian was having a hard time carrying the umbrella by herself, so Savannah helped. Jillian responded with a sweet, "Thank you, Thannah!"


Anonymous said...

I was looking on all you stuff. your family cracks me up!

Susie Q said...

Glad I'm not the only one to get in the swing of things this year!

RR said...

Are you blogging right now

RR said...

I need to see you. I have something for you. Is it Wednesday yet?

RR said...

I need to see a bigger family pix of the new one. For some season I can't figure out how it make it big.

Heidi said...

I love the pic of the girls with the umbrella... it's perfect. :)

Heidi said...

Oh, and Rach... you can't make that one bigger ;)

Stacie said...

The first pic of the girls with their umbrella shows our Christmas tree behind them. It is the first one right in the middle of the grass path. Too funny :)