Sunday, January 8, 2012

Graham Cracker Mayheim

About a week before Christmas, all of Doug's local-ish siblings and their kids got together for the graham cracker house decorating event.  Let's face it, this family is getting so big that pretty much all of our holiday celebrations end up at our church building.  So, that's where we headed. 
There was sooooo much candy, the kids loved it!!

Everyone was smart (except me, being the lazy one) and 'glued' their houses beforehand so it was just a matter of the decor.  There were a few extra pre-made houses that my kids scored so it all worked out.  Izzy and Jilli shared one and did pretty well (with my guidance) at deciding together how they wanted to embellish their digs.

Savannah, getting all creative!

Payton working away on his masterpiece.

The finished products...

Payton added rocket boosters to his.

And here are all (minus a sick one) of the kids.  I think there are more kids here than there is in our ward primary...and that's not all of the grandkids, just the local ones. Way to go Gifford family for trying to multiple and replenish the earth single-handedly.

1 comment:

Jaimie said...

Another fun event!! I'm starting to feel like I suck!!! :o)