Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Announcements, Announcements, Annou-ouncements
(sung as if at Girls Camp)

So a few things have happened in the last couple of days.  Let us begin with Sunday.

At Church, the chapel was unusually full of extra family.  They had all come to be a part of Ted, (Doug's dad) being called as the new Bishop of our ward.  No one was really surprised that it is him...it was just a matter of time.  We have no doubt that he will be an incredible Bishop who is totally up for this heavy calling!  However, Doug being called as his 1st counselor was a little surprising for us.  It is sweet that he gets to serve with his dad again...just a tad different this time.  So, back to the stand Doug goes.  He's bummed that it wasn't 2nd counselor because that's who gets to control the height of the pulpit... ;)

Being as close as we are with our former Bishop and his family, my kids, well all of us really, are going to have a hard time not calling him Bishop.  They are confused as to what to call him.  We said they could call him Ron, Grandpa, Grandpa Ron.  We sure do love and appreciate Bishop Lambert and all he did to fulfill his calling and love our ward.  We are just grateful that we have built a strong friendship with him and his wife (and their kids) that nothing is really going to change other than what we call him.

And now today...
A few weeks ago out of the blue, Payton started having issues with his vision.  Mostly blurriness.  We let it go for a few days, but it just got worse.  He was getting rather frustrated with his new struggle.  So, his dad finally took him into the eye doctor.  Ironic thing is...we decided to not get vision insurance this year because we hadn't used it.  Go figure.  Anyway, he got in and less than a week later this is what he now looks like with his spectacles!  Surprisingly, he was more excited about it than embarrassed. 

Jillian got student of the month.  January was "Respectful."  Unfortunately, we didn't know she was getting it so we missed the assembly.  Sad we missed her very first school award, but I know (or hope) she will get more.  She came home grinning ear to ear and excited about her certificate and special pencil!


BJ Barnes said...

First off, Payton looks great in his new specs', and congrat's to Jillian for being student of the month due to showing respect! :)
I still have a lump in my throat over sunday! It made me really emotional! I love Bishop Lambert as he has been especailly dear to my hubby for years, and I really felt his love for all of us, as our bishop! :) I could tell it was a difficult release for him, yet it was nice to see him being able to leave right after church, holding Jill's hand as they walked to their car! :)
When I heard the names announced for our new bishopric, I felt calm and assured, knowing we remain in great care! All is well! :)
Since Doug has been in the bishopric before, you know what to expect. If you ever need anything, just give us a holler! We love you and can come to the rescue if you ever need us to! :) My Honey's pretty handy if, say, cows escape, or something, when Doug's away! :) You're such a neat family! :)

RR said...

Its sort of looking like Doug will never sit by you again. I never remember my dad being/sitting with us at church..EVER.

Also..when I saw the post I almost freaked out because I thought you had the baby and I was the last to know.

Jaimie said...

Wow, that's a lot of stuff going on! I know that your FIL will be an awesome Bishop, especially with Doug by his side!
Yeah for being able to see! I had the same thing happen to me! I remember looking outside and being able to see the leaves, it was amazing how much I didn't know I was missing! He looks awesome in his glasses! Very smart!
And more smartness to Miss Jillian! What a hard worker! Way to go!