Thursday, November 20, 2008

(this was at practice the other night)
Payton, the Wrestler!
Well, much to my dismay, Payton joined wrestling last Monday. I was very hesitant at first and wasn't sure how he would do. He is tall and very scrawny, and dare I say, not that tough. (I can say that, I'm his mother). Anyway, he has totally proved me wrong. He absolutely loves it! He can't wait to go to practice and he had his first tournament last Saturday. Doug and I had already planned to go to the temple, so our friends, The Haight's took him along with them and their son. He did great. It was just a take down tourni, so you just do take down after take down to earn points instead of "pinning." He won 2 of his 4 matches!! Don't tell him I said this, but his very first match was against a girl and she SMOKED him!! He didn't like that at all!! What boy would? Anyway, I was watching him at practice the other day, and I was so proud. He gets matched up with boys that are about 15 -20 pounds heavier than him, but he can hold his own for a little while. I saw him do some pretty cool moves...he is picking up on it so fast. So, this Saturday, I will be prepared with my camera and video camera and I will probably be one of the "crazy moms" screaming from the bleachers. It will be great!!


Susie Q said...

Thats so awesome he found a sport he loves. Be glad its a indoor sport.

Rene said...

Clarissa - notice I am COMMENTING, not lurking
It was fun to see you tonight! You are a rock solid volleyball player, it wasn't all in your mind. I think it was the socks.