Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Rock-Solid Volleyball Players!!
Well, even though we didn't get to go to Payton's wrestling tournament Saturday on account of him vomiting throughout the night, he was feeling better by evening time. One of Doug's sales reps, Robert, invited us to go play V-Ball. He is actually in the Adna ward, so we knew a few other people there. We had a really good time. Although I did come home with a few sore spots. For some unknown reason, I attempted to block a spike from Richard Tripp...who is like 7 feet tall!! What was I thinking? Anyway, the ball got me right in the eye. He did feel terrible and I got to tease him about it all night.

Doug in his silly gear. He was going to get those reallly short men's gym shorts...but we couldn't find any. So, we settled for tube socks and wrist/head bands.


Heidi said...

Awesome pictures! I like the socks ;0)

You'll have to come next time we have a volleyball night at the high school!

Susie Q said...

The 80's called' they want their socks back!

Clarissa said...

You know those socks ROCK!!!

The Shelton's said...

Um, I knew something was missing after you came to visit. I want my socks back and the headband and note to self, Clariss is a clepto!! You look sexy mama!! You're too cute for me to hang out with at Christmas. Can you work on getting a little uglier by then?