Sunday, November 23, 2008

(Heidi, Me, Tressa and Stacie)

~~~~Twilight, baby!!!~~~~

Well, it finally arrived. After all the anticipation and talk, it finally arrived. I don't think that I have been so involved in a movie premiere before. I have been excited to see certain movies, but I got a T-SHIRT for this one!!!

I really liked the movie!!! I will admit that there were some parts that I wasn't too sure of, but I was really happy with how they stayed with the book so well. Of course it wasn't as good as the book, but what book-turned-movie is? I definitely appreciated it for what it was! The experience of being so in love with the books and then seeing Twilight on the big screen was pretty cool!!! I will probably go see it again. Can I just say that the fight scene ROCKED!!! Holy cow!!!
Loved it!!!

It did make me want to read the books all over again! Yeah, my husband will be thrilled!


Stacie said...

I had a lot of fun. I'm glad that I have someone to share my Twilight obsession with :) I'll watch it again with you anytime.

Clarissa said...

Thank you, fellow Twilighter!!

neecy said...

I loved it too...was a little apprehensive because I didn't care for the look of the Edward they chose, but in the end the movie didn't dissapoint. I agree with you - I LOVED the fight scene. Not so crazy for the sparkle scene. I'm dying to read the books again too and can't wait for the next movie. We got there at 9:00 of Thursday for our 12:01 movie time. Kinda fun to act so young and crazy again!

The Shelton's said...

Hey girlfriend:

You can break my headboard, bite my pillow and bruise my body any day!!

Love ya,

Heidi said...

Well, I really liked the movie. Not having read the books, I didn't have any expectations... maybe that was a good thing? I do think I'd like to read the books now, so when Rachel gives your copy back I'll have to borrow it. ;0)