Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I hate bath night! It is just not any fun for me at all!! Well, tonight was NO exception. Isabelle was at my feet, crying, the entire time I was trying to bathe Jilli and Savannah. Just like she had been the whole day, and while I was trying to make dinner. Anyway, I pulled Jillian out of the bath, wrapped her towel around her and was having her move out of the way when she ran into Isabelle, knocking her head into the corner of the cabinet. Of course, she started crying even louder. I picked her up to calm her down and love on her. Jillian had moved further away when all of the sudden, she slipped and fell flat on her face onto the cold tile flooring. Her hands were tucked into the towel, so they were not out to catch herself, or push herself back up. So, she starts screaming. I put Isabelle down, who then starts screaming even louder because how dare I leave her to check on her sister. I picked Jilli up and there was blood everywhere. She had bitten her tongue. It was not a little bite either. So, I tried to keep up with the blood that was spewing out of her tongue while attempting to soothe a very very unhappy Isabelle. (Which was not working!) Once Jillian calmed down a little, I stepped away to do something...can't remember what now...and, of course, because of the way that the planets are aligned tonight or something, Isabelle slipped and fell into something that was all over the floor. I picked her up...again, and she was soaked. I looked down and noticed a huge puddle of wetness. I asked, "What is all over the floor?" Jillian said, very matter-of-factly, "I peed!" OH, what a great bath night it was.
Needless to say, I am never bathing my children again!!
Man, was I glad to get all the kids in bed!


Kate said...

I'm so sorry Clarissa..this too shall pass! At least you're getting all the memories down so you can share them when your girls get married and have babies of their own (and you and Doug are in Mexico having a ball!)

neecy said...

First of all: Oh, sooooooo funny!! I know not for you, but thanks for the comic relief at your behalf. I do hope everyone is okay?
Second of all: You're waiting till Friday to see Twilight?!? Three words - Thursday midnight showing! I CAN' WAIT!

Clarissa said...

I am glad that I could supply you with a good laugh!! Everything is fine. The twilight thing...I thought about the midnight showing, but I have to get kids up and off to school that morning, and Doug leaves early I will be waiting. I am ok with it, just as long as I get to see it, I'm good!!!

Susie Q said...

Has CPS been dispatched to your place yet?

Unknown said...

Okay, that sounds like a night at my house during bath time....and where was Doug during all this????

Clarissa said...

He was at Mutual! Lucky!!

The Shelton's said...

Oh, my poor sweetie!! I too hate bath time. Marcus screams the entire time I am washing him and I'm surprised my neighbors haven't called CPS on me!! If only we could get away with them stinking then we would banish bath time from now on!!