Monday, October 27, 2008

Well, I really haven't had that much to blog about this past week. But here are a few little stories about some of the things Jillian has said.

The other morning she got up and Doug said, "Good morning, dear." She quickly said, "I am not a dear." "You are my dear." Doug replied. "No I am not Bambi, I am not Bambi."

Then the other day, I was in the bathroom. One of the things the little girls like to play with is my..."woman products." Isabelle had spread tampons all over the bathroom floor. Jillian held one up and said, "What is this?" I answered honestly..."It's a tampon." "Oh, ok. I LOVE TAMPONS!!" Yeah, she won't when she is older.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

I still think you should have a 'Jillian Blog' to keep track of all the crazy/cute stuff she does. I think you'd get quite a following on that one...