Monday, October 6, 2008

So, we thought it would be fun if we went and got matching pj's. Yeah, not that fun when there is hardly any selection. WalMart was a little disappointing. But, we found these silly pants and recycling tshirts and called it good. In some of the pics, it looks like the pants are pleather or something. But I assure you, they are cotton with little strips of shiny thread in them.
Rachel had a hard time keeping her hands off Traci.
We finally figured out the self timer on our cameras. These are the "appropriate" pictures we took. (Traci!)
WE tried to imitate Rachel with her model like poses all the time...I don't think that it worked. When we finally settled down after being SO incredibly silly the whole night and recovering from seeing Rachel half naked, it was time for bed.
Saturday morning we just sort of hung out in the hotel room and talked. After getting all pretty upped we headed to Anthony's for lunch. Rachel's brother and his wife live in Pullman and drove over to see Rach. The food was really good, but the company was better.
After lunch we drove around until we decided to go see the movie "Nights in Rodanthe." It was sad, but a good movie. After, we headed back to Traci's house. Sadly, something happened with Traci's throat and voice...she couldn't talk or laugh or anything. Poor Traci! It was pretty low key for the rest of the time. We mostly just visited. Traci's husband is a chiropractor, so we talked him into adjusting us. I have never been before, so I was a little nervous. I didn't know that is was possible to have that many things pop in my body. It sounded like I broke into pieces.
A little later, Todd and Traci taught Rach and I how to play Hand and Foot. Todd and I took a strong lead, but Traci and Rachel took it in the end. From what Traci says, Todd will probably never want to be my partner again...sorry Todd.
We were all so tired we called it a night...sort of. Rachel and I ended up staying up and talking for what seemed like hours. I don't know what time we finally turned the light off and rested our little heads.
The next morning was time for us to go. SAD:O(


neecy said...

Oh, this looks like soooo much fun. I bet you felt like a million bucks when you got home and where ready to be a good mommy again. I'm going to Timo Out For Women in Portland with some girlfirends overnight, and I can only hope that we have as much fun! I miss you too!

Heidi said...

Hey Dennese!! Clarissa & I are going this weekend, too. Maybe we'll run into you guys!

The 3 of us really need to get together again sometime... it's been WAY too long.