Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Laundry, my Nemesis

Laundry, how I loath thee

With your never ending piles.

Laundry, how I loath thee

With your clothes for miles and miles.

Laundry, how I hate thee

Oh how you built up fast

Laundry, how I hate thee

My whole lifetime, you will last.

But how I love to wear your styles

How cute they make us look

How I love to wear your styles

Like models (yeah right) in a book.

So laundry, I know you MUST be

Our lives, you do bless

I know laundry, you MUST be

For without you, we'd be naked.

(and nobody wants that!)
.clarissa gifford.


Susie Q said...

You want to know whats awesome? Brian's nurse helped sort like 10 loads of laundry today. That gave me the motivation to keep on truckin with the rest!

Heidi said...

That's perfect. Did you write that??