Monday, September 22, 2008

The Boring Life of...ME!

Well, this past week has had nothing like superhero, or real life hero stuff happening so some might find this a little boring. I really have enjoyed all the great stories on some of the blogs I have been reading. If nothing exciting is going on with me, maybe I can live vicariously through other people. (Is that healthy?)
One thing that is happening this week is the dreaded POTTY TRAINING! Did I hear a gasp? Anyway, I will admit that I am terrible at potty training my kids. They do learn eventually, it's just that they would probably learn faster if I wasn't so lazy about the whole thing. I know there are probably those who are fabulous at it and never have problems (Traci) but I am not one of those people. I am way more likely to give up than my kids. But I really think that Jillian is ready and going to be able to figure the whole thing out without much help from me. We will have to see.


Unknown said...

I totally am with ya on the potty training thing. That's what we are doing with Tanner this week too...he's so ready...I'm just not ready to not be lazy. It's just one of those things that is so unexciting... (except for when you don't have to buy diapers anymore). So good luck and good job ahead of time!

Susie Q said...

Hey, I like your blog background! It makes your boring week look exciting! Love Ya

The Shelton's said...

Sister - I am only good at potty training because my kids have made it so super easy. Marcus was way easier than Raquel (go figure) and I have just been freakishly lucky. I'm sure Raigan will be in diapers until she is like 10, just to make up for the first two being so easy!! I love ya' and I can't wait to see you!!!!!

Heidi said...

Clarissa I LOVE the new look! When you told me it was black & white & green, I didn't picture it looking so awesome! Makes me want to change mine up a little.

Oh, and your life is SO not boring. ;0)

Michelle said...

Hey girl keep your head up. I also live through others bolgs and I think that's ok to do. Good luck with the POTTY TRAINING! Like you said they do get it sooner for later.