Thursday, July 3, 2008

This is Jillian Clair. She is two. Now that really should explain it all. But for me she hasn't been my typical two year old. She may look innocent...but she is most certainly not! Now, I have been told that I should have a blog devoted just to her and all the crazy things she does.

Just this week she has snuck out of the house at 7a.m. while I was still sleeping. (Thankfully she just headed to Grandma's house. She was wearing only a tshirt and shoes. Oh, but she was well prepared carrying the essential bag of chips.)

She has smeared toothpaste into my bedroom carpet, flooded the bathroom, used diaper rash cream as "soap" all over her hands and face. She decided to play with one of her bath toys outside of the bathtub. It was one of those ones that squirts...anyway, she squirted water throughout the hallway and kitchen. While I was cleaning it up Doug was opening up a can of chile. The phone rang, I asked Doug to get it...he did, leaving the can of chile just in reach of a two year old on her tip toes. Seconds past and the can of chile was down her dress and all over the kitchen floor.

For the last several days, when I change her poopy diapers I have noticed a smell of mint. Now, I racked my brain thinking, "What would cause her poop to smell like mint?" Nothing came to mind. Well, yesterday I was cleaning the family room and came across some gum wrappers. All of the sudden, it clicked. Minty gum = minty poop. I remembered that a few days before I found that she had devoured an entire pack of gum. Now, I am not exaggerating when I say devoured. She probably ate that pack in under a minute. Probably for fear that she would get caught. But alas, she had evaded me again. I seem to get to her just seconds late...

Now, this doesn't even compare to some of the other things she has done. I know that there are several children out there like this. Probably much worse. She is my third child and she is one of a kind in this family. I can never stay too angry with her because she looks at me with those big hazel eyes and says things like, "I funny mommy," or "I so cute." There are those great moments with her when she breaks into the chorus of "I am a Child of God" that are reminders to me that she is so awesome. She brings such a spark into our family (as do the rest of the kids.) I just hope it's not the kind of spark that burns the house down.

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