Friday, July 18, 2008

I guess Doug was feeling that he needed a little more attention. Tuesday evening after we had put the kids in bed, Doug went out riding on our track. He was only out there about 15 minutes, if that. I heard him come back and knew that something was wrong because he just wasn't out there long enough. In my mind, either the bike was broke or he was. I wish I could say it was the bike. His left leg is broken...again. He was in a lot of pain and it was a pretty long couple of hours after it happened. Thankfully, we still had his walking boot they gave him last time. So, Wednesday morning, he strapped it on, got out the trusty ol' cruches and went to work. Yesterday, he decided he should probably just go to the doc (he didn't really think it was broken). It is. He actually has to go see a bone specialist on Tuesday and have him really look at what is going on.

So, I have a couple of gimps on my hands for the next several weeks. I got Jillian a walking boot on Tuesday, so her and daddy are "twins." Her walking boot is so stinkin cute. I thought that having a broken foot would slow her down...come on now, it's Jillian. What the heck was I thinking? She has even figured out how to walk on it without the boot.

My grandmother once told me that the scriptures say "and it came to pass," not "and it came to stay."

1 comment:

The Shelton's said...

Holy Cow!! What is going on at your house. I say you strap them all to a chair and only let them up when they have to go potty!! Girl, you need a break. Spokane is just a few hours away when you're ready. Loves ya.