Thursday, May 14, 2009

Grateful for Small Things
Doug and I have a pretty small bedroom. The bed takes up the majority of it but leaves room for maneuvering on both sides and the end. Several months ago we decided to replace our puny dresser with a much bigger one. I don't know how big it is just big and solid wood. It is placed against the wall to the side of our bed. So, there is just barley enough room to open the drawers all the way. Well, Jillian's new favorite thing is to open ALL of the drawers (12 of them). She has been told time and time again to not do that. Come on now...this is Jillian we are talking about. She doesn't give up easily!
So on with the story. She wanted to watch a movie in my bedroom the other day and decided that I was taking too long to do it for her. So she was going to take care of it herself. She pulled all of the drawers out and tried to climb the dresser to reach the TV. Yeah...didn't really work out. The dresser ended up falling over...on top of my little Jilli, trapping her between the bed and the dresser. Having heard the loud crash, I booked it in there. Holy Crap!!! I tried to lift the dresser off of her, while calling her name and telling her that it was going to be OK. She was screaming at the top of her lungs and I was turning purple trying to lift the stupid thing. Finally, thanks to my incredible muscles and probably a shot of adrenaline I was able to lift it off of her. Once I got it to a certain point, I was able to start closing the drawers which distributed the weight more evenly so I could get it back into place. Then I grabbed her and hugged her and started to cry. I did a check of her little body...she was just fine. A few scratches on her chest and belly, more scared then anything. I was in that moment, thankful for my small bedroom. If the bed hadn't been that close to the dresser, it could have been different. I do hope that she will not be doing that again. I just might have to take up body-building for Jillian's sake.


BJ Barnes said...

Don't you hate those "heart-in-your-throat" moments?! Thank Heavens for that much needed adrenaline that kicks in at those frightening times!! :)
I'm so glad to hear she is alright and all is well! :)

Heidi said...

I'd heard you tell the story a few times already, but that didn't keep chills from going through me when I read your post just now. I'm so glad she's okay!!!

Stacie said...

I'm so glad that she is okay. Kids love to scare us to death sometimes. Just think, we'll still be worrying about them when they are 50. Think of all the stories we'll have by then.

Ali said...

So scary! Glad she's okay. Hopefully she's learned a good lesson. Ashlyn always learns the hard way too.

Unknown said...

OH my GOSH! I would have totally peed my pants! Gosh, isn't it funny how sometimes our kids drive us so crazy but then when disaster strikes we can't love them enough!
Keep up the good work, you are a super mom!

neecy said...

Wow! I'm breathless.