Sunday, May 1, 2011

IT'S JUST HAIR...sniff sniff

I will confess to watching my fare share of talk shows in my lifetime.  Yeah, even those terrible "who's the daddy?" ones.  The episodes, on whatever talk show it may be, that are my favorite, are the make-overs.  They bring out these people who, in their eyes,  need to revamp their outer layer.  You usually have your biker dude/dudette.  Then there is the typical 30 something mother of 3 who has just put her kids first and forgotten about herself to the point of wearing the same kind of mom jeans for the last 13 years. Then, of course there is always the lady who has hair to her rear or beyond that cries at the very suggestion of cutting off her lovely locks.  Now, I have never understood this.  They usually end up looking fantastic.  I wonder what they are so worried about because they usually look so much better and I have laughed at the fact that they cry about...HAIR!!
Well...who's crying now? 


Yep...I cut it.  About 10 inches, and I'm a little devastated.  Saying that makes me feel a little ridiculous.  I have the most intense regret just sitting on my chest right now.  My hair had become somewhat of who I am.  Don't laugh.  And it feels like I have cut off a part of myself...lost a little bit of my identity. My friend told me the other day that I am more than my beautiful hair.  I know I am.  But, having it gone has made me realize just how much I loved it.  Everyone I've talked to has loved my new 'do' and says it looks 'cute!'  I'm so grateful for their positive strokes to my damaged ego... I'm just a little sad about it, and spent several days blubbering about it.  LAME!!  Why did I cut so much off?  I needed it cut, and wanted it cut.  But, it's shorter than it should be and there are way too many layers.  I hate hating my hair.  I hate not knowing how to work with it completely, molding it to look the way I want it.  It's my own dang fault, and I was warned by my husband and hair stylist.  In fact, my hair stylist refused to do it at first...while her husband threw in his objections as well.  I should have listened.  DORK!
SO...what can I do about it?  Not much really...but wait for it to grow back.  I actually picked up some pre-natal vitamins to help the process a little bit.
Savannah came into my bedroom the other day and noticed I was a little teary-eyed.  OK, Fine! I was bawling!  Anyway, she asked what was wrong and I told her I was just a little sad about my hair.  She replied "Mom, it looks so pretty.  And you could always buy a wig."  I will not say that I have ruled that out as an option!


Leahona said...

I am so glad you posted this. I totally understand how you are feeling. I have done the same thing a few times. Now that the baby is here I have been toying with the idea of cutting my hair but I just can't bring myself to do it. I hope your hair grows back fast. I heard eating a little extra protein can help. Good luck sweetie.

BJ Barnes said...

I didn't get a chance to tell you yesterday that your new due' looks good! :)
I've been toying with the desire to have my hair cut and layered for years, now! The one thing that makes me keep putting it off is that I know how to cut my own long hair, as it is now. Layers, I wouldn't have a clue how to keep up, and I'm too cheap to have a hairstyle I have to pay someone else to keep up for me! :)
I wish I had the guts to do something different, like you did, because if one doesn't like it, it always grows back! :)

~ My 3 sOnS ~ said...

I havent seen your new do in person, but Im sure it looks Fab on you!! You are an amazingly beautiful person inside and out!!

Heidi said...

I absolutely LOVE your new hair cut... But if you really hate it, you could always check into some extensions? I've been talking to Gena about that for the last few days & we're gonna play around with a few things on Thursday. ;0) Also, that liquid Flax Seed Oil I've been taking (I can't handle drinking it, but it's pretty yummy on bread or toast!) has helped my hair grow faster so those little baby hairs weren't so ridiculous for forever.

BTW - I think you'd look pretty hot with a super short style like I've had in the past. Love ya no matter what your hair looks like though :0)

Jaimie said...

Sometimes change is hard! Sometimes we do things for reasons we have no idea why, until later. Sometimes much later.
Everyone loves you for you and not your locks, not even your husband! You are such an amazing beauty no matter what!
Give it some time, it'll all be good! :o)

Ali said...

If you get a wig let me know what kind, I've thought of that as well. ;)
Your hair was beautiful but your hair is STILL beautiful! Okay, and you're beautiful with whatever hair. It will grow back and every time I cut my hair (although I've never had locks so long as yours) I have some regret for a little while but it's kind of fun growing out and a change is always a good thing I think. It mixes it up a bit, you'll be able to tell by pictures when things happened's kind of like watching your kids grow, you get to watch yourself grow all over again....and it's usually not JUST the hair that's growing. So pick yourself up, eat some chocolate and in a few weeks when I get my stuff I'll throw some rooster tales in it for ya so you can really "strut" your new do.

Ali said...

BTW - I agree with Heidi too, a super short style would be adorable on you as well as you're crying you might as well go all the way and do what those others of us are too chicken to do ourselves. :)

Michelle said...

I would love to see your new hair cut. Please post a picture soon. You can pull anything off and look amazing even if you're bald. Also I checked your blog just after you posted about Mindy and then went straight to her website. She was playing in Provo that night.
I took Ella and we have a great time!!! I am addicted to her and just just downloaded her cd to my ipad! Miss you :-)