Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Yes...a CHRISTMAS Concert!

On December 17th we attended Payton and Savannah's Christmas Concert. It wasn't called a Holiday or Winter Concert...it was a CHRISTMAS Concert. With songs about Jesus (and Santa of course). It's nice to live in a small place that hasn't been too effected by the liberalness of Washington State...yet. It was a lot of fun and there were sooo many people there. Well...so many for where we live anyway. It was K-5th grade and each grade sang 2-3 songs a piece. So, it wasn't too long at all.
This is the ENTIRE 1st grade class. Doug and I didn't realize how short Savannah was until we saw her among her classmates. And they put her in the back. Come on now...what about the short ones upfront? We had a hard time seeing her!

And this is the ENTIRE 3rd grade class!

Payton wore one of Doug's ties because I wanted him to look festive and he didn't have a red tie. I don't think anyone noticed.


BJ Barnes said...

I'm So thrilled to hear the gradeschool called it "Christmas"! Even in small schools that seldom happens anymore!! Hurray!! :)
For what it's worth, I think Payton looked great in his Dad's festive tie! :)

Unknown said...

The decorations on the walls are the same ones that were there for my Christmas plays too :D