Thursday, November 17, 2011


For the past week I have been reminiscing about Hawaii.  Surfing, para sailing, jet skiing, luau's, walking the beach, soaking up the sun.  Oh that glorious sun!!  Sweet memories.  That's where I was one year ago.  But with those memories come the memories of the night after we got back.  November 17th.  Can't help but drift to those moments...when things changed. 

Not that I'm not constantly reminded of my accident with the dizzy spells, nerve damage and scar tissue from the surgery, but
hopefully this date will forever be a reminder to me of how blessed I am, how deeply I love and appreciate my friends and family and how grateful I am to be here.


BJ Barnes said...

I love how you find the silver lining and blessings in that disturbing event. For the record, I and many others are grateful you are still here, too!! :)

Carlie K said...

Prettier than ever, of course, I only recently met you, but how can you possibly have been more beautiful than you are now.

RR said...

It was so good seeing you even for a brief moment..

I sure do love ya!