Thursday, June 9, 2011


  I decided it was time to have an official fire pit to gather, roast marshmallows and sing Kumbiya around. Although it's not an actual 'pit', it does the job.  Doug and my father-in-law love when I have ideas like this because it means they get to participate.  They almost jumped for joy when I told them what I wanted. 

It worked out perfectly, in my opinion.  We already had the rocks, provided by our lovely back yard Newakum river.  My father-in-law had picked up the boards a few years ago from a lumber mill in hopes of building benches and a table.   And the stumps were from a couple of dead trees we had cut down.  All we needed was some muscle, (which I willingly provided) and some really really big screws.

And...VOILA!!  Campfire Corner!

Projects always take longer than anticipated and it's not completely finished yet.  We still need to sink the stumps into the ground so they don't tip over.  The benches are quite heavy.

We had our inaugural roast on Saturday night. The day had been beautiful and although it wasn't too chilly or terribly dark when we started...we ended that way. We tried a different variety of s'mores. Reese's peanut butter cups instead of Hershey's chocolate. I enjoyed them immensely.

I am looking forward to spending late summer nights out here.  I think it will be a fabulous place where memories will be made with people we care about.  Makes me smile just thinking about it. 


Ali said...

It's perfect! What a fun idea you had. S'mores....I can so get creative with those, the old Hershey things have never sat quite right for me, I need ooey-gooey creamy, and you're headed in the right direction with the Reeses.

Jaimie said...

Awesome!! Love it!!

RR said...


Great idea!

Ali said...

So ever since this post I've been creating in my mind the best s'mores. I've decided I need a s'mores box made for once you roast your marshmallow and then add your toppings you stick it in the box to set down into the flames to melt it all together, right now I've been wrapping them in foil and putting them in the hot coals but sometimes it gets messy or a little too toasted, and I'm still too limited....I'm thinking a s'mores making gadget is in the works for me because oh the concoctions I dream of! ;) Look what you did to me!

BJ Barnes said...

Wonderful!!! Love it!!! :)

AJ said...

Sounds like a great time!