Sunday, September 5, 2010

Our Last Hurrah of the Summer

The weekend before school started we hopped, skipped and jumped over to THE GREAT WOLF LODGE!!  The kids were ecstatic and enjoyed every last minute of it.  We were wet, giggly, and pruny for two days!!!  Here are some...ok, a ton, of shots from our adventure in water land.

It took a while for Iz to warm up to the whole water thing.

Crossing the Lily Pads

The Wave Pool

A little basketball

The in-between slides...
(Bigger than the toddler ones...smaller than the big ones)

The next morning the girls thoroughly enjoyed the best bubble bath ever.  The jets in the tub caused never ending fluffy bubbles.  The girls loved it!!

She sat there for a while...

Savannah's turn at the Lilly pads.

Jillian wasn't scared of anything here.  She went down every slide her little four year old body was allowed to go down. 

Savannah, on the other hand, didn't want to have anything to do with the slides that were bigger than the toddler ones.  But, she had a blast anyway!
Slip slidin away...

Doug and Payton on our favorite of the big water slides.  You will notice that there isn't too many pictures of Payton.  He kept disappearing, doin' his own thing.  I was surprised at how brave he was being.  He did all of the slides.  Even the ridiculous Howlin' Tornado!! 

The sun finally came out and they started up the outdoor 'tad pole' area.  I think Isabelle really enjoyed this part.  It felt so open and free out there.  Inside was so full of people and so loud that it was nice to get out and breathe in fresh air.

Payton didn't last too long out here...he bolted back inside where the fun was for him.

I think this was a fantastic way to end our summer break.  Going down the big water slides I kept hearing this funny, loud giggle.  I realized it was mine.  I had an incredible time with my amazing family!!!


Ali said...

I love the Great Wolf! I went with Nicole with her Girl Scout Troop a few years ago. I would love to go back with my girls sometime, it is on my list! Glad you had fun and giggled.

BJ Barnes said...

Love these family photos!! You took some great shots! I was amazed you got such a great one of "the boys" shooting down the big slide! :) You only had a moment to catch that action shot in the lens!! :)
Looks like you all had a blast!! :)

Susie Q said...

Loved ,Loved ,Loved the pics. I am glad you guys were able to a family trip:)

Jaimie said...

So fun!! What a great time!