Sunday, July 18, 2010


Just wanted to take a minute and give a shout out to my mommy...Iris!
She is a very strong and incredible woman.  5 years ago...ovarian cancer hit her but she hit back harder.  Last week...thyroid cancer came at her and she's throwing punches!!
I only wish that I could be there with her for this fight...rub her shoulders, spray water in her mouth, help her knock it out completely!

But alas...I am here.  Loving, thinking, praying from a distance.  My heart aches and sadness fills my mind.  I should be there helping take care of her. What does brings me comfort is knowing that there are people in Alamosa who are taking good care of her while she recovers from surgery to remove her thyroid.  Another thing that brings me comfort is my mom's faith.  She doesn't doubt that everything will be ok.  
But I know that she is in a lot of pain and has moments when little negative thoughts creep into her mind... 

So for those moments, I say these things to my mom...

You are a woman of good courage
and deep strength.
You are a woman of immense love
and overwhelming goodness.
You are a woman of extreme faith
and unfailing integrity.
You are a woman of true beauty
and amazing abilities.
You can do this.

Thank you to everyone that is helping her through this.  To my family who of course shows unconditional love and support to her.  To my mom's co-workers that make her take care of herself and ignore her stubbornness. You've helped save her life, twice now.  I am eternally grateful for that.
I know that she is in good hands...even without me there.

Rest well this night my sweet mommy, knowing that you are loved, cared for and appreciated.  Knowing that 1700 miles away I am taking care of you in different ways.  And wake up knowing that you will win this fight.


Unknown said...

I am so sorry your momma is sick! You are such a good daughter...that was such a sweet post. I am hear for support if you need to talk or ANYTHING :-)

Unknown said...

Did I really just spell here in the wrong context....oops.

BJ Barnes said...

I know you touch your mom's heart, because you touch mine!!! :) She'll be in my prayers, too. :)

The Shelton's said...

You are so awesome and your momma is lucky to have you in her corner! She is in my prayers, as are you my love!!

RR said...

will you get to visit your mom soon? R

Rene said...

That made me cry! I'll be praying for your mom! I hope you get to see her soon!

Clarissa said...

Thank you everyone. She is doing well. She did have to go back into the hospital after her surgery because her calcuim dropped too low. But after a few days they got it back up. She is back at work and being strong!!

Stacie said...

I'm so glad your Mom is such a strong woman. What a blessing to have such an amazing daughter and family. She'll be in my prayers.