Saturday, February 25, 2012

.A Name and a Blessing.

When trying to agree on a name, Doug would always bring up the fact that he had the final say because he would be giving her her blessing.  He said while giving her the blessing he thought for just a second to call her Charlotte (the name he really wanted) and then correct himself...just for kicks and giggles.  But he was a smart man and didn't do it. 

Because my mom was in town we had her blessed when she was just 10 days old.

As with all my girls, my mother in law made the dress.  I forgot to talk to her about it until 4 days before.  We discussed the design and thankfully I showed her a picture of what I wanted because we had two very different ideas. But, it turned out just the way I wanted (and yes, I was very picky about it) and I loved it!

Daddy gave her a most beautiful blessing. With lots of wonderful promises.  Just a few moments before the blessing, Payton leaned over to me and asked if he could carry her up to dad who now sits on the stand.  I had actually wondered how we would do it.  Would Doug come down and get her?  Would an uncle or friend take her up?  But when Payton asked to do was what was suppose to happen.  I placed her in his arms and he very carefully took her up to daddy!  My heart swelled with pride and my eyes with tears!  It was a very tender and touching moment.  Absolutely perfect. 


Carlie K said...

I have officially named Payton worthy of my daughter. When shall we have the betrothal dinner?

BJ Barnes said...

All I can say is Well Done!! :)

The Clayton Clan said...

She is beautiful! And I think if it were up to parents, you'd have many fighting over your son as future son-in-law...what a treasure he is! Good job!

RR said...

I lOVE the dress!

Jaimie said...

Beautiful all around! Beautiful girlie, beautiful dress, beautiful name, beautiful family!! Such blessings you have in your life!!