Wednesday, July 8, 2009

'Reunited...and It Feels So Good!'
A long, long time ago. In a galaxy far far away known as Olympia there were four friends!!
This past Monday they were reunited.
My friend Michelle is to thank for this particular reunion. She moved to Utah a while back and was in town visiting. She wanted to see all of us, so we were able to get together and eat yummy food, talk, giggle and just hang out.
We used to all be in the Olympia 1st ward and we would get together quite often. Back then (about 8 years ago) we each only had 1 kid. I can't even remember what it was like to only have one!
Of course we had to document this special occasion through pictures. Heidi set her amazing camera up and we had ourselves a little photo shoot!

Michelle, Dennese, Me and Heidi!

Crazy...but the black shirts were totally unplanned. But they worked out quite lovely!
Payton, Korban, Matthew and Drake
The original 4 boys...
(Jillian, Payton, Isabelle, Ella, Malorie, Savannah, Sawyer, Korban, Kelton, Matthew, Drake and Hunter)
has turned into 12...almost 14 with Heidi and Michelle both expecting!
It was really interesting to see how the four boys rekindled their friendships so quickly. It was just like with us girls...they didn't miss a beat. The other kids meshed really well together and had a blast.
I absolutely loved getting together with these fabulous ladies. It was so much fun. Thanks for such an incredible day my beautiful friends!
(Oh, and thanks Heidi for the pictures!)


BJ Barnes said...

That's the wonderful thing about Real Friendship, you can go years without seeing each other, and then when you Do, it's just like you were Never Apart!! :)

Heidi said...

I'm so glad we got all the pictures!! We'll have to make sure to do that again sometime. :0)

neecy said...

I get all warm and fuzzy inside just thinking about how great the day was. I love you gals!

RR said...
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RR said...

Clarissa you don't look like one of the moms you look like the little sister..Are you Payton's older sister?