Monday, August 8, 2011

*The Baby Bump Project*

I've never actually documented my growing baby belly.  I never have had the desire.  My thinking was, why on earth would I want to take pictures of my weight gain, gross swelling and chubby face?  But, for some reason I feel compelled to do it this time around. I will probably regret it later but it seemed like a good idea this morning.

So I got my camera out and had my hubs take a few snapshots of the effects this kid is having on my figure!  I am 14 weeks today and am already not fitting into my pants cause my hips are spreading and I have awesome love handles.  (Note:  That is why my hand is on my hides it a little).  This is obviously the hardest part for me.  Over the last several years I have literally worked my rear off to be in shape and healthier-ish.  So this process is mentally difficult.  My body just gains weight, and I hate it!! The least amount I've gained with pregnancy has been 45 lbs.  The most being 75 lbs.  I guess it's just in my blood.  A part of me just wants to say 'forget it!' let it go and just eat whatever I want whenever I want.  But the other part of me knows just how much harder that will be on me in the long run.
 One positive effect though has been my growing bosoms.  And yes, I just said bosoms.  I forgot what it felt like to have full breasts.  I will say that I do love it and will enjoy every minute of them (as will Doug), because I know they will disappear when I stop nursing and start working out crazy like again.

To be honest, it was a pretty easy first trimester.  I haven't been terribly sick.  A few days have been more rough than others, but I am functioning pretty well.  The exhaustion and hunger has taken it's toll though.  I do get pretty nauseated when I need to eat and am eating every couple of hours (hence the love handles) and I'm just always tired. Especially around 2 in the afternoon.  My body just wants to lay down, wherever I may be at the time.  I guess I can also mention how irritable I am too...although I won't tell you just how irrational I can be at times.  Stupid hormones!

My sister-in-law that lives next door is also pregnant with her 10th.  Yes, I said 10th.  She's just about 4 weeks behind me.  We have been working out together every morning (minus a few days for not feeling well and busy days) for the past 3 weeks.  Neither one of us wants to but because we are expecting the other one...we do it.  It has been great!  I moan and grumble and don't really want to be out of bed but it's been good for both of us.  I haven't been doing much running because of the silly shin splints.  They actually act up during the exercising, but they are not too unbearable.  I'm just grateful that I am feeling ok enough to do anything at this point.

I promise to not let this pregnancy over-run my blog posts.  There are other things going on in my life!  I'll just update the bump pictures and complain about how much weight I am gaining every once in a while. 



RR said...

yeah for pregnancy, babies, weight gain..and higher sex drives!!

Melia Hunt said...

Hey, I feel the same way and I'm not pregnant, so just enjoy the really good excuse :)-Love ya Melia

P.S. I haven't noticed ANY "love handles"

BJ Barnes said...

You look fab' as always, and I'm so excited for you!!! :)
Will be waiting for part 2, when you announce if this is a boy or a girl!! :)
Life is so good, and we always have wonderful things to look forward to! :)

Michelle said...

Congrats to you guys, you look amazing!! We have our fingers crossed for a brother for Payton:-)
He will love him at first and then the day he nocks his brothers dominos over that will be the end of that, take it from me. Noah was in BIG trouble tonight.

Jaimie said...

So excited for you!! I'm glad you are feeling well and documenting! I was never brave enough, yet if I looked like you, I'd document too!! :o)