Friday, March 26, 2010

Honesty and Respect

Just wanted to brag about my kids for a sec.
The kids school has a monthly value theme. What they do is the teachers pay attention to who exudes this quality during the month and then at the monthly assembly, the kids are given an award. For January it was RESPECT. We were proud when Payton received this award. Unfortunately I didn't know that he was getting this and didn't attend the assembly or get a pic, but will take one and post it soon. But we are very proud that he shows respect to the people he comes in contact with. He is a really good kid.
February's theme was HONESTY. Savannah was very excited to get this award...well, she would have been excited for any award. This time, Savannah's teacher called the night before to let me know so I was able to go to the assembly. But...because I am perpetually late, I missed seeing her receive it. I tried hard to get there by 9 but getting 4 more kids ready just proves to be a little difficult. But, we are very proud of miss vanner. And she just beamed knowing that we made it.
You often wonder if the things you are teaching your kids are truly setting in. When your kids get recognized for these qualities it's like you, as a parent, are receiving an award too!!


BJ Barnes said...

Your kids are great!! So glad to hear the school is recognizing these important qualities! :)

Ali said...

Those are really great awards to receive and to have two of your kids receive them says a whole lot for you guys as parents. Good job to the whole family! That's a cool thing your school does too to work on a good value each month and reward them for it.

Unknown said...

She's so cute! And you are a good mom! I hope my kids listen and things will sink in one of these years! Congrats to Savannah!

Susie Q said...

See you are a good Mom and those awards prove it, otherwise you would be getting calls from the teacher about your kids being brats in school. lol

RR said...

I'm so proud of Savannah! Can we adopt her??

RR said...

Where are those X-rated blog posts??